Products of MARINELEC Technologies
MARINELEC Technologies is a specialist of electronic safety equipments for the maritime sector. MARINELEC Technologies design and manufacture alarm systems for all type of vessels: Fire detection, Tank level measurement & detection, Navigation Light panels, General Alarm System, Alarm - Bilge detection, Alarm & monitoring systems, Emergency telegraph, Bridge watch alarm system, Energy management, Specific products on request.
Marinelec Technologies has a great experience of the maritime sector, an electronic and data processing know how as well as a knowledge of regulation, especially for installations supervised by Classification Societies. By integrating the latest technological developments, Marinelec Technologies can design and deliver custom made systems meeting the individual requests of Clients and the regulations of the main Classification Societies such as Bureau Veritas, Det Norke Veritas, Germanisher Lloyd's and the French Department of Merchant Marine. We supply products for any kind of ships, passenger vessels, ferries, commercial vessels, LNG carriers, fishing boats, warships, sailing ships, motor yachts, tugs.
Equipments / Systems
Water ingress, watertight doors and windows opening, electrical or engines faults, various risks. Marinelec Technologies designs solutions to centralize your alarms management.
Those equipments adapt to your ship size and specificities, are in compliance with the different regulations and are Bureau Veritas approved.
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In order to prevent any risk linked to fire activating on board, Marinelec Technologies has designed a range of equipments intented for fire detection.
Those equipments, conventional or addressable, are specially designed to meet the requirements of size and configuration of your ship.
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High quality products, advanced technology and innovation make MARINELEC Technologies one of the leading makers of marine safety electronic equipment for safer, eco-friendly and efficient vessels.
Competence combined with a long experience of more than 35 years and successful innovations reinforce our main ambition to offer customer the best solution when sailors and ships safety matters. For those reasons, we linked lasting relationships of trust with renowned shipyards and shipping companies.
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High quality products, advanced technology and innovation make MARINELEC Technologies one of the leading makers of marine safety electronic equipment for safer, eco-friendly and efficient vessels.
Competence combined with a long experience of more than 35 years and successful innovations reinforce our main ambition to offer customer the best solution when sailors and ships safety matters. For those reasons, we linked lasting relationships of trust with renowned shipyards and shipping companies.
To know the quantity of embarked liquid avoard your vessel is primordial. It permits a rigorous management of your consumptions and can help to equilibrate the vessel. Marinelec Technologies designs and manucfactures necessary equipments to your liquids management and ship good running.
Those equipments are manufactured and calibrated in function of the tanks and monitored embarked liquids.
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Marinelec Technologies manufactures products to report your presence to the other vessels and transmit warning messages in the different areas of your vessel.
● A range of navigation lights monitoring and control panels, adapted to each type of vessel; ● A range of warning and information light columns; ● A general alarm system; ● An automatic foghorn signals sequencer designed in compliance with the regulation in force.
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MARINELEC TECHNOLOGIES' acquisition, data display, control and monitoring system benefits from its comprehensive knowledge of the marine environment and from the use, through its high performance design office, of the latest internal or external network technologies.
Marinelec Technologies manufactures products to report your presence to the other vessels and transmit warning messages in the different areas of your vessel.
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To ensure the control and monitoring functions of the navigation lights.
NORMA is a navigation light alarm system. It can monitor and control up to 48 24VDC/230VAC navigation lights with a power ranging from 0.5W to 60W. The navigation lights can be controlled by the standard front panel (NORMA.CP), by a mimic panel (NORMA.SYN) or by a touch screen (NORMA.AFF).
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This equipment ensures the running orders transmission of the ship between the wheelhouse and the engine room.
Approved by Bureau Veritas and complying with the orders transmission regulations in force in the maritime sector, this product offers you the solution to compensate in last resort for the defect of your propulsion order system.
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No more potentially dangerous situation with these products designed by Marinelec to ensure the on watch vigilance.
These equipments are designed in compliance with the Regulation, whatever the size of your vessel.
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