In 1894, a young engineer working for a Gardner, Massachusetts furniture manufacturer turned his energy towards finding a better way to record the time and attendance of his company’s employees. E.G. Watkins’ hard work and ingenuity led to the invention of the Simplex time clock, the first accurate and easy to use time recording system – and to the creation of the Simplex Time Recorder Company. Simplex Time Recorder operated under the private ownership of the Watkins family for over a century, expanding into the fire alarm and building systems business in the 1950s. In December of 2000, Simplex became part of Tyco International, a global leader in the fire protection and security solutions industries. Today, Simplex is one of the most trusted brands in the fire protection industry and customers around the world rely on Simplex systems to help keep their people and their property safe every day.
SIMPLEX Control Panels
4100ES addressable fire alarm control panels support up to 2,500 points, fire alarm and emergency voice communication, self-testing notification appliances and IP based networking. With scalable architecture and future-proof design, 4100ES panels are ideal for medium to large facilities and multi-building campus style networks. All Simplex addressable panels rely on TrueAlarm addressable detectors.
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Simplex Panels Overview | Brochure |
The Simplex 4010ES fire alarm system is a highly flexible and powerful 1,000-point addressable analog system for small- to mid-sized facilities. Unlike many systems of this size, points can be used for detectors, modules or manual stations as needed to meet the requirements of each building. Labor-saving features such as device-level ground fault isolation and almost dirty smoke sensor status reports reduce installation time for electrical contractors and allows for proactive maintenance to be scheduled at one-time to help eliminate unwanted nuisance alarms for owners and end-users.
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Simplex Panels Overview | Brochure |
Simplex fire alarm solutions are trusted the world over, helping protect millions of people every day in large facilities that range from hospitals, hotels and universities to airports, office buildings and sky scrapers. Customers choose Simplex products for their industry-leading scalability, reliability, long-term value and technology. Now, the Simplex 4007ES panel brings advanced Simplex performance to smaller facilities.
Simplex have packed many of the features you’d find in our larger panels – like networking, multi-hazard suppression release, computer port protocol for building system integration, TrueAlert ES addressable notification technology, and a color touchscreen display– into a compact, cost-effective package.
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Simplex Panels Overview | Brochure |
Simplex 4006 Series fire alarm control panels are ideal for smaller facilities that require from five to ten initiating device circuits and four notification appliance circuits. The panel includes a built-in DACT for easy connection to contral station monitoring, a 2x20 character display, and multi-function keypad.
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Simplex Panels Overview | Brochure |
The Simplex 4003EC Small Voice Panel is an advanced emergency voice/alarm communications panel that can serve as a multi-function voice control panel for single building applications, or form part of a large Emergency Communications or Mass Notification system. Its flexible design allows remote placement of amplifiers for up to 5,000 watts, and it has the ability to replace local messaging with centralized messaging, a key Emergency Communications requirement.
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Simplex Panels Overview | N/A |
The Simplex 4004R is a two-hazard releasing system that incorporates big-panel features into a small and cost-effective package. Its dual hazards can be programmed to provide an agent release for one hazard and preaction or deluge for the other, giving a high degree of flexibility and protection. With the early detection capability of the agent release hazard, the fire should be extinguished before the preaction or deluge system is activated.
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Simplex Panels Overview | Brochure |
An Area of Refuge solution that’s easier to install, more reliable, and more effective.
An “Area of Refuge” or “Area of Rescue” is a location that’s designed to keep building occupants safe during a fire or emergency until they can be evacuated. The need for an Area of Refuge is particularly acute when immediate evacuation is impossible or there are occupants with mobility challenges. The Detect360 Area of Refuge Communications System provides a reliable and effective code-compliant Area of Refuge solution that enables occupants to remain safe and stay informed, and provides the information rescuers need to get them quickly evacuated.
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Command Panel | Data Sheet |
Remote Call Station | Data Sheet |
Rescue Manager PC Software | Data Sheet |
SIMPLEX Initiating Devices
Simplex are pleased to announce the release of the new SIMPLEX 520 Hz Sounder Base. Designed to meet NFPA low-frequency signaling requirements for unattended sleeping areas, this new sounder base is a perfect solution for hospitality, education, and multi-occupancy residential applications. With the release of this new sounder base, and the previous launches of the Multi-Tone Horn and Audio System Upgrades, we now offer a complete spectrum of 520 Hz compliant solutions that allow you to provide your customers with a complete SIMPLEX solution for nearly any environment. The new sounder base also offers an efficient, cost effective way to upgrade existing SIMPLEX systems to NFPA compliance with minimal disruption.
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Detection Solutions | Brochure |
CO Sensor Base with 520 Hz Sounder | Data Sheet |
Sensor Base with 520 Hz Sounder | Data Sheet |
The first job of any sensor is to protect your people and operations. The second is to reduce nuisance alarms, which could cause disruption to your occupants and costly downtime for your business, as well as creating unnecessary danger and confusion. Simplex's patented TrueAlarm technology addresses the major causes of nuisance alarms – dirty sensors that result in overly-sensitive devices.
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Detection Solutions | Brochure |
Carbon Monoxide is a product of the inefficient or incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. Poorly vented cooking appliances, furnaces and water heaters are a few of the potential generators of carbon monoxide. Carbon Monoxide is a toxic gas that you cannot see, smell, or taste. CO poisoning is the leading cause of injury and death by poisoning worldwide, with about 40,000 people treated in the U.S. annually. As the dangers of CO are better understood, more jurisdictions are requiring CO detection in areas where fossil fuel burning appliances are used.
Simplex has the ideal solution for detecting toxic CO gases in critical areas such as residential properties, dormitories, hotels, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. The CO sensor base has a removable CO element that can either work independently as a toxic gas detector or be combined with a photo or heat senor to provide a method to reduce unnecessary alarms from common sources such as steam from showers, aerosols from personal care products, cooking materials, dust and exhaust fumes. The CO sensor base does not require a separate device be mounted on the wall or ceiling. A Simplex smoke or heat sensor can plug into the base with the CO sensor element, saving mounting space as well as installation costs compared to using two independent units.
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Detection Solutions | Brochure |
The Simplex XAD Air-Sampling Smoke Detector is an excellent solution for challenging duct applications, as well as restricted areas such as elevator shafts, electrical equipment rooms hospital MRI rooms. and correctional facilities.
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Detection Solutions | Brochure |
The Model VLC-600 TrueAlarm LaserCOMPACT smoke detector uses the latest in VESDA sampling technology including a highly efficient laser light source and a dual stage dust filter.
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Detection Solutions | N/A |
Simplex IDNet addressable modules provide addressability to conventional devices such as flow switches. Simplex has a wide range of innovative addressable modules, including multi-point modules, modules which permit individual reporting from flow and tamper switches on the same circuit, and isolator modules which protect power wiring from short circuits and ground faults.
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Detection Solutions | Brochure |
Simplex addressable manual stations combine the familiar Simplex manual station housing with a compact communication module that is easily installed to satisfy demanding applications. Its integral individual addressable module (IAM) constantly monitors status and communicates changes to the connected control panel via IDNet or MAPNET II communications wiring.
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Detection Solutions | Brochure |
Simplex TrueAlarm photoelectric detectors bring many of the proven TrueAlarm analog sensing features to applications where detectors are connected to conventional 2-wire or 4-wire initiating device circuits (IDCs). Drift compensation provides a significant reduction in the probability of nuisance alarms caused by shifts in sensitivity. The magnet test feature provides detector status information.
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Detection Solutions | Brochure |
Simplex conventional manual pull stations for general purpose applications; Operation complies with US ADA requirements.
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Detection Solutions | Brochure |
The new Simplex Addressable Beam Detector combines the power and flexibility of IDNet technology with the proven performance of the FireRay 5000 optical beam smoke detector. Beam Detectors are used to provide “open area” smoke detection in situations where it is either impractical or not cost effective to use traditional point-type detectors or aspirating smoke detection. Some common applications are: Warehouses; Atriums; Convention Centers; Shopping Malls; Sports Arenas.
The addressable beam detector provides enhanced command, control, configuration and status / event reporting between the detector and the fire alarm control panel. Configuration, installation, diagnostics, service and maintenance of this new addressable detector is also simpler and faster than a conventional detector and separate IDNet module, saving time and money for contractors, installers and building owners.
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Detection Solutions | Brochure |
Beam Detectors are used to provide “open area” smoke detection in situations where it is either impractical or not cost effective to use traditional point-type detectors or aspirating smoke detection. Some common applications are: Warehouses; Atriums; Convention Centers; Shopping Malls; Sports Arenas. The type of Beam Smoke Detector used will be dictated by the installation requirements and environment.
The FIRERAY 5000 System is an auto-aligning, self-correcting infrared beam smoke detector. Up to 2 detector heads can report to a single ground level controller. Once the detector head is installed, using the easy-fit mounting system an integral laser can be activated. This allows the reflective prism to be located quickly and with confidence.
The FIRERAY 3000 End to End infrared Beam Smoke Detector has been designed using the latest optical technology, incorporating modern industrial, electronic and software techniques. This detector offers cost effective protection of large, open area spaces with high ceilings. It is also very suited to applications where access to ceiling mounted smoke detectors presents practical difficulties.
Open-area Smoke Imaging Detection (OSID) by Xtralis is a new innovation in projected beam smoke detection technology. By using advanced dual wavelength projected beams and optical imaging technology, OSID provides a low-cost, reliable and easy to install solution that overcomes typical beam detection issues such as false alarm incidents and alignment difficulties.
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Detection Solutions | Brochure |
A variety of accessories are available for TrueAlarm products. These include UL Listed protective guards for sensors and a UL Listed weatherproof enclosure for protecting outdoor duct detectors.
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Detection Solutions | Brochure |
For applications requiring compatible Simplex fire alarm control panel with UL listed versions of MX/MZX Technology peripherals, the MX Loop Interface Module provides the necessary communications, monitoring, and control for up to 250 addressable MX devices per loop. Multiple MX Loop Interface Modules can be installed for increased capacity.
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Detection Solutions | N/A |
SIMPLEX Notification Appliances
The SIMPLEX TrueAlert ES line of addressable appliances takes notification to a whole new level for enhanced protection, increased value and improved business outcomes.
TrueAlert ES is the industry’s most advanced line of intelligent, fully addressable notification appliances. Constant electronic supervision of each notification appliance and revolutionary self-testing capability help ensure that appliances will work when needed and enable building owners to avoid tedious and potentially expensive after-hours manual testing.
TrueAlert ES is a complete family of notification products suited to handle virtually any application. The latest advancements in our TrueAlert ES line include addressable speakers with individually controllable audio for targeted emergency messaging, a series of compact and highly efficient addressable LED appliances, and multi-tone appliances that meet NFPA 72 requirements for low-frequency notification in certain environments.
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Notification Overview | Brochure |
The new sound of safety: TrueAlert ES audio speakers - the fire alarm industry’s first addressable speakers with individual speaker audio on-off control - take notification to another level of capability, safety and value for architects, engineers, installing contractors, building owners and facility managers. TrueAlert ES addressable speakers are specially designed to provide higher quality audio output, improved aesthetics and sophisticated emergency message delivery.
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Notification Overview | Brochure |
TrueAlert ES fully addressable multi-tone, multi-candela appliances offer all of the technological advancements that the TrueAlert ES family brings to notification. Available in both addressable and conventional versions, these wall-mounted appliances feature seven selectable tones including a 520 Hz tone that meets NFPA 72 requirements for sleeping areas.
The combination of available tones and patterns makes possible 19 selectable alter and warning sounds. 520 Hz Horn, Broadband Horn, Bell and Chime tones, are controlled to produce Temporal Pattern, March Time Pattern, or Continuous.
As with all TrueAlert ES appliances, these multi-tone appliances feature flexible design and wiring infrastructure and hands-free, scheduled self-test capability that can help eliminate disruption to building occupants during appliance testing.
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Notification Overview | Brochure |
A flash of brilliance - Advanced LED technology and a streamlined design make the TrueAlert ES LED appliances smaller, more energy efficient and less obtrusive than other appliances. The 5900 Series appliances are also the first in the industry to meet NFPA 72 2016 edition notification appliance pulse width requirements and be UL listed for synchronization with other SIMPLEX TrueAlert ES addressable appliances with Xenon strobes.
With a decreased footprint and a lower profile, TrueAlert ES 5900 Series appliances blend into the environment and are only really noticed when they need to be – in an emergency. Because they are part of the TrueAlert ES family of addressable appliances, the 5900 Series features revolutionary self-test capability that helps reduce testing costs and ensure systems stay in top working order.
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Notification Overview | Brochure |
The Simplex Conventional Notification Product Line offers a wide range of conventional notification appliances for fire alarm and emergency communications system applications. Products include horns, strobes, horn-strobes, speakers, speaker-strobes, chimes, chime-strobes, multi-tone horns, multi-tone horn-strobes, and mini-horns that can be used for both legacy and new installations.
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Notification Overview | Brochure |
The Simplex TrueAlertText Messaging Appliance LED display is a textual notification appliance designed to improve communications and life safety when used in conjunction with standard horns, strobes and speakers.
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Notification Overview | Brochure |
SIMPLEX Network, Workstation & Integration
Simplex ES Net IP-based fire and life safety network from Johnson Controls optimizes system design and installation flexibility while increasing network capacity, speed and performance. Supporting up to 687 nodes, ES Net is incredibly scalable, highly resilient and has the capacity to handle even the largest multi-building campus environments.
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Simplex Network and Workstation Overview | Brochure |
The Simplex TrueSite Workstation is a next generation platform that manages an entire fire and life safety network from a single location. This PC-based graphical command center provides centralized network annunciation, historical logging, report generation, and control of fire alarm network points. TrueSite Workstations can support 7 network loops with as many as 686 Simplex panels, and can seamlessly integrate competitive panels using an Agency-Listed DACR option. Touch-screen operation combined with an intuitive graphical user interface and custom, event-specific operator instructions can help accelerate response to an emergency and control your training costs.
The Simplex TrueSite Workstation supports up to 20 concurrent remote client connections and leverages the customer's existing LAN/WAN for remote annunciation deployment.
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Simplex Network and Workstation Overview | Brochure |
Based on TrueSite Workstation’s proven software platform, TrueSite Incident Commander provides all the software features of the TrueSite Workstation in a space-efficient all-in-one PC platform that can mount on a wall or inside a Simplex 4100ES cabinet. When installed in the 4100ES cabinet, the Incident Commander is powered from the 4100ES UL864 Power Supply and Secondary Batteries, eliminating the expense of high-cost Fire Alarm Listed UPS back-up power supplies traditionally used with desktop management consoles.
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Simplex Network and Workstation Overview | Brochure |
TrueSite Workstation Mobile Client puts critical Simplex fire alarm system information into the palm of your hands - wherever you are. TrueSite Workstation Mobile Client connects to your facility TrueSite Workstation and delivers system event and status information right to your iPod or iPad. With TrueSite Workstation Mobile Client you'll be in constant touch with your fire alarm system and you'll always know what's happening.
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Simplex Network and Workstation Overview | Brochure |
A Simplex 4100ES Network Display Unit (NDU) provides alphanumeric annunciation and manual control for up to 12,000 network points and/or point lists. It can be programmed to function as the network master controller for Alarm Silence, Trouble Acknowledge, and System Reset.
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Simplex Network and Workstation Overview | Brochure |
Simplex BACpac Ethernet module is an innovative web-based eServices solution that provides a supplementary communications interface to convert data from a compatible Simplex fire alarm control panel into the BACnet building automation protocol. The Simplex BACpac portal acts as a protocol translator between the control panel and systems that use industry-standard BACnet Protocol communications such as building automation systems. When the Simplex BACpac Ethernet Module receives system status messages from the Simplex fire alarm control panel, it translates the messages into BACnet Protocol. When the BACnet Protocol output is interfaced with a building automation system (BAS), the BAS can display the status of the fire alarm equipment and act on the information received to enable critical building control functions such as HVAC smoke control.
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Simplex Network and Workstation Overview | Brochure |
The Simplex Network System Integrator (NSI) provides an Agency-Listed integration solution for owners of multi-building, campus-style facilities that have multiple brands and/or vintages of control panels all needing to report to a central command center. NSI is an integration solution that reduces your risks and life cycle costs compared to proprietary protocol interfaces.
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Simplex Network and Workstation Overview | Brochure |