In 1956, SCHALLER AUTOMATION started with a mission of ensuring the safety of people and machinery through precise and reliable oil mist detection. Over 55,000 systems were and are in use worldwide in by now. With the power of innovation, Schaller Automation support their customers on the way into the digital age. Renowned customers such as MAN, Caterpillar, Wärtsilä and many other machine manufacturers rely on this expertise.-
Oil Mist Detectors
All VisAtron® - devices continuously draw the atmosphere from every compartment of the crankcase by means of the suction system. The suction vacuum required is generated by a wear-free air jet pump in the device, fed with compressed air (drive air). The sample flow, consisting of the sucked-in atmosphere from the crankcase compartments, is guided through an optical channel for measuring turbidity. the sample flow turbidity is measured by the absorption of infrared light. % opacity is used as the dimensional unit of the turbidity; 100% opacity means total light absorption, and 0% opacity no absorption.
download catalogueVISATRON®VN301plus
The Vn301plus system consists of a central unit to which up to 20 sensors (Master-slave version) can be connected. Each sensor monitors one crankcase compartment independently and is an standalone unit. When a sensor is replaced, the surrounding sensors ensure that the crankcase is monitored.
download catalogueCondition Monitoring
BEAROMOS®2020 BEARing MOnitoring System For oil-lubricated slide bearings. The BEAROMOS®2020 is an innovative monitoring system for oillubricated slide bearings. The sensor is a novel monitoring system for oil-lubricated sliding bearings that detects the transition from sliding to mixed friction.
BEAROMOS®2020 detects the deviation from normal fluid friction and can, for example, detect an anomaly when mixed friction occurs while running at constant engine operation to warn of possible acute severe damage in one of the main bearings. Possible causes of mixed friction on the rotating shaft include: Particles in oil, consequences of cavitation, bearing wear, geometric deviations on bearing journals/shells, etc.
download catalogueACCOMOS®Acceleration monitoring system. A novel three-axle vibration sensor, which has been specifically adapted to the requirements of large engines, to support proactive maintenance. Ideal for monitoring the permissible limit values of internal combustion engines of >100 kW (DIN Iso 10816-6, www. iso.org).
It has never been easier to install a sensor for recording vibrations: extra-strong magnets make it possible to attach the system in minutes. In most cases, it is not necessary to machine surfaces.Regardless of whether you use Accomos® as a permanently installed sensor with engines, clutches, or generators, it can detect discrepancies in the vibration behaviour and warn you before anything untoward occurs.
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