Products of RIVERTRACE
Rivertrace are the market leaders in Oil in Water Quality Monitoring, at the forefront of designing equipment and systems that not only meet but exceed requirements of tightening environmental legislation for the marine, offshore and industrial markets. With over 30 years’ experience, our impressive client list includes leading European, American and Asian separator manufacturers. Rivertrace also supply most of the major international Shipping Companies, leading Offshore Oil and Gas Operators as well as Premier Land Based Industrial Organizations. Rivertrace tailor makes systems according to our customers individual environmental monitoring requirement including, Oily water discharges, EGCS Wash Water, boiler condensate, produced water and slop water discharge. An ISO 9001:2015 Quality-Assured Company.-
SMART BILGE 15PPM Oil Content Monitor
By utilising the “Smart Cell” Detector Array Technology, developed by Rivertrace, the OCM analyses all three oil types (HFO, Diesel and Emulsions) simultaneously without the need for re-calibration. A manual cell cleaning device is included as standard to easily enable routine maintenance. Optical cell fouling is recognised as a leading cause of monitor malfunction or incorrect reading. By simple operation of the manual cleaning device, the “Smart Cell” remains in optimum operating condition.
Replacement calibrated measuring cells can be purchased for easy change over on board the vessel and calibration check kits enable the crew to demonstrate the monitor is within factory calibration to PSC Surveyors. The Smart Cell Bilge Alarm is readily available as a 5ppm version if required. It can also be tailor made for Hazardous Environments (Zone 1 & 2) as an Exd system with Auto Clean, all enclosed in an explosion proof cabinet.
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The SMARTSAFE ORB Bilge Overboard Security System was developed to prevent the vessel from illegal discharge “Magic Pipes” and minimise discrepancies in the oil record book. In its simplest form the Smartsafe ORB will utilise the ships GPS and records each ‘event’ of the bilge water discharge process. The control module will store these events for a period of three years exceeding MEPC requirements.
It is a complete interlocked system ensuring security of your discharges. This includes tamper proof electronic flow meters and secondary diverter valve with position feedback installed after the standard IMO diverter valve. The secondary diverter valve is controlled solely by the Smartsafe ORB and will immediately be closed should a malfunction or malicious act be detected.
download catalogueSMART PFM 107 Oil-In-Water Monitor
The monitor measures particulates in the sample stream on a continuous basis by passing the process fluid through a proprietary photo optical measuring cell developed by Rivertrace. Using a combination of optical recognition algorithms and light intensity it is possible to differentiate between Oil particles, Gas/Air Bubbles and Solid particulates in the range 1-500 microns. Flow and particulate characteristics can be visualised live via the 7” display.
Oil concentration, pressure, temperature and oil alarm status are displayed on an HD touchscreen. Oil concentrations, alarms and fault log are stored within the system to comply with the reporting requirements of IMO resolution MEPC.107(49) and can be downloaded onto a pc via LAN or USB for further analysis. The SMART PFM 107 offers a choice of auto cleaning methods to ensure the accuracy is maintained at all times. The cleaning is fully automatic and operates whenever it senses contamination of the optical windows.
download catalogueSMART ODME
The Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (Smart ODME) has been designed to provide means of monitoring, recording and controlling the ballast discharge for crude oil, product and chemical tankers including ICE class vessels. This system is modular in construction and does not require the usual pump/motor bulkhead penetration as used on older systems. The Smart ODME includes all components required to meet MEPC 108(49) and the latest MEPC 240(65) for Bio Fuels, effective 1 January 2016.
The Smart ODME incorporates a ‘simulation mode’ to aid system demonstration to PSC surveyors, is designed for ease of retrofitting, operation, installation and maintenance. Discharge limits are set at 30 litres of Oil per nautical mile or 1 / 30,000 of the previous cargo for slop and wash water discharges.
download catalogueSMART ESM - Exhaust Scrubber Washwater Monitor
With the IMO’s 2020 global sulphur cap fast approaching, a popular solution to ensure compliance is to install an exhaust gas cleaning system (EGCS). For this, wet scrubber systems use wash water to remove the pollutants from the exhaust gas. Therefore the wash water being discharged must be monitored at all times to ensure it is within the limits set by the regulating body. There are IMO regulations for water quality parameters including Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), pH and turbidity prior to discharge into the ocean.
Rivertrace is an ISO 9001 Quality-Assured Company and market leader in Oil in Water Quality Monitoring, with over 30 years’ experience and your partner to ensure that the wash water discharged from your exhaust gas cleaning systems is compliant with the global regulations on discharge. Our SMART ESM monitor developed by Rivertrace, is suitable for both the inlet and outlet of a wet exhaust gas cleaning system, measuring and recording PAH, Turbidity, Temperature and pH, on open-loop, closed-loop and hybrid scrubber systems. The SMART ESM is fully compliant with MEPC 259(68) and provides reliable information to ensure compliance with the worldwide SOx limits.
download catalogueSMART TURBIDITY
By utilising the “Smart Cell” Detector Array Technology, developed by Rivertrace, the monitor accurately analyses the quality of the sample stream and outputs the turbidity value in nephelometer turbidity units (NTU) Turbidity is the cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by large numbers of individual particles. A manual cell cleaning device is included as standard to easily enable routine maintenance and prevent Optical cell fouling which is recognised as a leading cause of monitor malfunction or incorrect reading. By simple operation of the manual cleaning device, the measuring cell remains in optimum operating condition.
Replacement calibrated measuring cells can be purchased for easy change over and calibration verification kits enable the user to demonstrate the monitor is within factory calibration. The Smart Turbidity Monitor is also available for Hazardous area Environments classified as Zone 1 & 2. The Smart Cell Bilge Alarm is readily available as a 5ppm version if required. It can also be tailor made for Hazardous Environments (Zone 1 & 2) as an Exd system with Auto Clean, all enclosed in an explosion proof cabinet.
download catalogueOCD 50M Oil In Water Monitor
A monitor designed to cater for the special conditions associated with high sample temperatures. This unit will detect oil in much smaller quantities with great reliability and repeatability. Increased boiler protection from early detection of oil contamination.
The OCD 50M is Type Approved by DNV-GL for marine use. It is a requirement of DNV-GL flagged vessels that Boiler Condensate must be monitored for Oil Ingress. This is a simple and reliable solution to this requirement.
download catalogueSMART 50M Oil In Water Monitor
A monitor designed to cater for the special conditions associated with high sample temperatures. This unit will detect oil in much smaller quantities with great reliability and repeatability. Increased boiler protection from early detection of oil contamination.
The SMART 50M Oil In Water Monitor is Type Approved by DNV-GL for marine use. It is a requirement of DNV-GL flagged vessels that Boiler Condensate must be monitored for Oil Ingress. This is a simple and reliable solution to this requirement.
download catalogueOCD CW Cooling Water Monitor
The OCD CW is a low cost solution for simple cooling water monitoring applications, designed for monitoring engine cooling water and fresh water systems. The system is widely used in refineries and power stations when discharging their cooling water to local rivers and the sea. Boiler condensate can also be monitored with the addition of a cooler.
With solids discrimination up to 50ppm the OCD CW provides repeatable accurate monitoring and can also be used in industrial waste water applications.
download catalogueSMART WiO Sensor
The working principle is a capacitive measurement operating on absorption of water in oil. The physical measured value is % Humidity. New oil has the ability to hold a certain amount of dissolved water. The maximum water amount oil can hold is called “saturation point”. Above the “saturation point” free water will fall out which can cause corrosion inside of the engine. The “saturation point” is influenced by temperature and other different factors like the composition of oil mineral or synthetic, formulation of additives and will change during the lifetime of the oil. The Water in Oil Sensor (WiO) is not measuring free water or emulsion, which is detectable by regular Water in Oil test kits, it measures the absolute water content in oil.
The PAV (Pre Alarm Value) is set to 50% humidity. The MAV (Main Alarm Value) is set to 90% humidity. More than 100% humidity means free water is present. From this point regular Water in Oil test kits begin to measure. Normally in the field, the water in oil content is measured by a Water in Oil test kit. The results are mostly <0.02% (or 100.02% humidity), this value means free water content. If the WiO Sensor shows the main alarm, the value is higher than 90% humidity and damage could be caused to the engine if 100% humidity is reached.
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